L. Vergari has been awarded the Young Researcher Award at the Asia-Pacific Symposium on Tritium Science (APSOT-3), organized by the University of Toyama, Japan. In the talk, Vergari reviewed the high-temperature interaction between graphite and hydrogen isotopes and their relevance to tritium management in nuclear reactors.
Lorenzo Vergari
NuMat 2020 features two posters from SALT
S. Mastromarino and L. Vergari have presented two posters at the Nuclear Materials Conference (NuMat) 2020. Mastromarino’s poster is entitled “Measurements and Uncertainty Quantification for the Density and Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of Molten 2LiF-BeF2 (FLiBe)” and is co-authored by R. Vidrio and Dr. R. Scarlat. Vergari has presented a poster named “Chemical modifications of […]
SALT goes to ACS San Francisco … remotely
We will present some of our most recent and exciting research at the American Chemical Society Fall 2020 National Meeting, held August 17-20. Williams will deliver a presentation on the quantification and chemical characterization of oxide-containing species in molten halide salts. Mastromarino will discuss digestion systems for elemental analysis of fluoride salts. Vergari will give […]