Nicole Johnson

Nicole started working on her Nuclear Engineering PhD in 2023. She graduated from UC Irvine with a BS in Chemical Engineering and a license to operate the university’s TRIGA reactor in 2019. She then spent the next 4 years working as a nuclear plant operator at Beaver Valley Power Station, near Pittsburgh.
At UCB, she is currently working on the ThorCon Natural Circulation Loop, which is will simulate ThorCon’s proposed NaFBe salt coolant in the secondary loop of their reactor. The goal is to determine the degree to which the high temperature difference between the hot and cold legs will cause the stainless steel piping to be dissolved in the hot leg and deposited in the cold leg. This project involves a large volume of 600°C salt to remain molten and flowing for six months, so there is a lot of design, fabrication, and assembly involved!
- Sean Tang
- Sebastian Barnes
- Valentino Saiz
ORCiD profile: