2022 SALT Research Group Virtual Open House for Prospective Graduate Students
Wednesday, Nov. 2nd, 2022. 10am – 11am PST (Virtual)
Please Register by Monday, Oct. 31st, 2022 to receive a calendar invite with a zoom link
Audience: Undergraduate students, masters students, and professionals in engineering or science fields with interest in learning about:
graduate studies in nuclear engineering in the areas of chemistry, materials,
advanced reactors, fuel cycles safety, licensing, and engineering ethics.
molten salt research and the future generation of nuclear energy (fusion
and fission).
Introduction | Prof. Raluca Scarlat | 10 minutes
* Overview of nuclear engineering
* Overview of the SALT Research Group
* Overview of grad school & finding the right program and the right group
Panel Discussion with graduate students in the SALT Group | 30 minutes
Haley Williams, L. Vergari, Ryan Hayes, Sasha Kennedy, Nathanael Gardner, Michael Borrello, Christian Sclafani, Maksim
* Why did you decide to apply to nuclear engineering programs?
* Why did you choose to be in the SALT group?
* Advice for how to approach preparing graduate school applications.
* What one thing you wish you knew when you were applying to grad school that you know now?
* What career paths are you considering after your Ph.D?
* Favorite group team-building activity?/Favorite group meeting joke?
One–on–one discussions with members of the SALT | 10 minutes
* Break-out sessions with each of the SALT-group members
Wrap up & Respond to additional questions | 10 minutes
* Whole group Q&A
* Feedback Survey