Riccardo Chebac

Riccardo is a visiting Ph.D. candidate in the SALT group coming from the Energy and Nuclear Science and Technology program at Politecnico di Milano. In his research he investigates chemical decontamination and robotic solutions for the dismantling of graphite-moderated reactors. Riccardo worked one year for the OECD-NEA in Paris in the Radioactive Waste Management and Decommissioning Division (RWMD). He obtained a M.S. in Nuclear Engineering and a B.S. in Energy Engineering from Politecnico di Milano.
Irradiated Graphite Decontmination in Molten Salts
Development of a Universal Canister for Advanced Reactors High-Level Waste
Mechanical Properties Characterization of Metals from Molten Salt Corrosion
Robotic Manipulator for Graphite Bricks Extraction
Riccardo’s research focuses on the chemical decontamination of graphite in molten salts and on developing robotic manipulators for graphite blocks handling for decommissioning scenarios. Current projects involve using molten salts as the medium for optimal graphite decontamination with focus on fission products, H3 and C14. Riccardo is also aiding in the development a universal canister for advanced reactors waste acceptance within the ARPA-E project Upwards. He’s also working on studying and characterizing the influence of FLiBe corrosion on the mechanical properties of various metallic alloys. Part of Riccardo’s research is performed in collaboration with the H2020 Inno4Graph Project.
Recent Awards
2022 2nd Best Poster award – DigiDecom 2022 conference
2022 3rd Best Poster award – Decon 2022 conference
2020 ENEN+ grant for academic exchange
1. Codispoti, L., Porta, A., Campi, F., Ricotti, M., Chebac, R., Summa, L., Marotta, R., 2022. Radiological Pre-Characterisation for Decommissioning of L-54M Nuclear Research Reactor and Waste Management Strategy. Presented at the 4th International Conference on Nuclear Power Plants; Structures, Risk, Control & Decommissioning NUPP 2022 Proceedings 19-20 September 2022, pp. 50–58.
2. Ghazaie, S.H., Sadeghi, K., Chebac, R., Sokolova, E., Fedorovich, E., Cammi, A., Ricotti, M.E., Shirani, A.S., 2022. On the use of advanced nuclear cogeneration plant integrated into latent heat storage for district heating. Sustain. Energy Technol. Assess. 50, 101838.
3. Mazzi, M., Chebac, R., Campi, F., Ricotti, M., Poskas, G., Derudi, M., Porta, A., 2022. Preliminary Study on Oxidation of Nuclear Grade Graphite. Chem. Eng. Trans. 91, 427–432.
4. Sadeghi, K., Ghazaie, S.H., Chebac, R., Sokolova, E., Fedorovich, E., Cammi, A., Ricotti, M.E., Shirani, A.S., 2022. Towards net-zero emissions through the hybrid SMR-solar cogeneration plant equipped with modular PCM storage system for seawater desalination. Desalination 524, 115476.
5. Chebac, R., Cammi, A., Ricotti, M., Sadeghi, K., Ghazaie, S., Sokolova, E., Fedorovich, E., 2021. Dynamic Response of LFR in Cogeneration Mode. Presented at the International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe (NENE 2021), SVN, pp. 1–8.
6. Sadeghi, K., Ghazaie, S.H., Chebac, R., Sokolova, E., Fedorovich, E., Cammi, A., Ricotti, M.E., 2020. Implementing Large-Scale Hybrid Desalination System Driven by Alfred Reactor and Parabolic-Trough Solar Power Plant, Equipped with Phase Change Material Storage System: The Case of Emirate. Presented at the International Scientific Conference on Energy, Environmental and Construction Engineering, Springer, Cham, pp. 85–96.
7. Chebac, R., 2020. Preliminary power plant simulator for modelling of hybrid systems scenarios.